Use Homebrew
to install pyenv
Then brew install pyenv-virtualenv
. Then config fish by vim ~/.config/fish/
set -x PYENV_ROOT $HOME/.pyenv
status --is-interactive; and pyenv init - | source
status --is-interactive; and pyenv virtualenv-init - | source
Here are some useful commands.
pyenv versions
pyenv install -l
pyenv install 3.8.1
pyenv global 3.8.1
pyenv which python
python --version
should show you 3.8.1
Now let’s create an backend api project.
mkdir mysite
cd mysite
pyenv virtualenv 3.8.1 mysite-3.8.1
touch .python-version
vim .python-version # add mysite-3.8.1 to it
pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install Django
pip install ipython
django-admin startproject mysite
mv mysite api
cd api
python startapp mysite_api
Then follow
psql --username=postgres
CREATE DATABASE mysite_dev WITH OWNER postgres ENCODING 'utf-8';python migrate
python createsuperuser